
Can I get a prion disease from eating brains?

by  |  earlier

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I eat brains sometimes, but i was wondering. . . Can i get transmissible spongiform encephalopathy or other prion diseases from eating them? Or does cooking them make it safe?

A little concerned.




  1. You can get BSE from eating any part of the infected cow or animal. The proteins effect the brain, but they are spread throughout the body! Makes me kind of scared to eat red meat.

  2. You can get brain cancer if you don't cook them with soy sauce because soy sauce contains an ingredient called homogenous deoxified acid which helps get rid of brain germs

  3. you can potenitally get BSE or scrapie from eating bone and brain tissue, ie cow and sheep but animal has to be infected first

    CJD was found amoungst canibals eating human brains and no cooking them doeant destroy prions

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