
Can I get a radio that will recieve satalite signals giving UK radio whilst out of this country?

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Can I get a radio that will recieve satalite signals giving UK radio whilst out of this country?




  1. Grab yourself a direct imput scanner I used to pick up weather map pictures from sats onto th laptop and alsorts of signals on radio frequencies even if just the world service lol.... yupiter mvt-7200

  2. try  using a SLINGBOX connected to a Sky receiver. The slingbox connects to your LAN or Internet Router and accepts inputs from both Coax (freeview aerial) and Video s-Video so you can also connect a sky box or any other receiver. The slingbox will also control the sky receiver.  You can then access the slingbox anywere in the world provided you have a computer/laptop access and High speed broadband access.

  3. on the internet,  you can get thousands of radio stations.  This is your best source.

  4. im not sure if you could get a radio, but if you can find british radio station websites, then they probably have something where you can listen to it on the internet.

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