
Can I get a sponsored rental (car and gas bill covered) to drive 600 miles to another state and 600 back?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking to drive around 650 miles from Texas to Iowa, but I need to get a car first. I do not have the money for this, so I am wondering - is it possible that I could rent a car for free, so long as it has a wrap advertising the company I drive it for? This would be unpaid, the payment would be free gas and free use of the car.

However, even if I had to pay the gas bill, no problem. As long as it gets at least 22 highway mpg. Can someone give me a sponsor to look for, or somewhere that I could get a free rental from? I need to have it for about 7 days, but I don't want to spend more than $500 if possible.




  1. No it is not possible.

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