
Can I get a ticket for 'Wrong Way Parking" in NYC on a dead end street.?

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Can I get a ticket for 'Wrong Way Parking" in NYC on a dead end street.?




  1. Yes!

  2. Possibly, if you park on the left side.

  3. Yes you can! They can get you for "reckless driving", this happened to me. I had a ticket on my car for "reckless driving". My sister lives on a dead end street and I parked the other way. I came back to my car and I had a ticket on the window. I went to court because how could I get a ticket for reckless driving when I wasnt even driving and the judge said that it was valid. In order for me to have parked the wrong way meant that I would have, at some point, been driving the car down the wrong way on a one way dead end street and I got a reckless driving ticket and i had to pay it.

  4. If you are parked the wrong way, sure.

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