
Can I get advice on preschool? What age should I start my son and how many days should he go?

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I'm a stay at home mom but I am interested in preschool for my son. What age should he start, how many times a week should he go, and how long should his day be? What do you reccommend?




  1. I say he should be about 5 or 6 yrs old max. I say about 3 to 4 times a week and go half days like 4 hrs.

  2. Here in West Aust, our kids can start Kindergarten (known as Preschool to many) if they turn 4yrs old before June 30th. if they turn 4 after that they start the next year. My 1st daughter started and she was already 4yr old and went for 4 days a week but for half days only.

    my youngest is 3yrs old right now and will start next year, but she will only be 3½ as she turns 4 on the cut off date, so she will be the youngest in her class, I don't even think she will be ready then.

    It all depends on the child, and when they are showing signs they want to go, my 1st daughter was basically ready when she was 2½ (she was advanced for her age - still is in lots of ways).

    Starting age I think should be 4yrs old (meaning they are 4 when they start). but yeah above is how it works here.

  3. My 4 year old just started pre-k. She goes M-F from 8:30-3:30. Her brother is at the same school in the 3rd grade.

    Look into preschools in your area and see what they offer.

  4. I have five siblings. three of us went from 18 months on and three never went at all. My parents said it was the hardest thing, dropping us off and not knowing what it was like for us, or thinking we were scared. All three of us that went to preschool though, have never met a stranger, i am comfortable around anyone, and we are all outspoken, it turned out to be exactly the opposite for the other three.

  5. Stay at home mom's need the time just as much as the child does.  I started my son in a two day a week for two hours each when he was 2 1/2 years old.  It was fun for him to show me his work and good for me to do chores or just relax.  At 4 years old he went for 3 full days and Loved it!  He has learned so much, how to interact better, speech is better, attention improved and he has friends that he cant wait to see each day. The social skills are great and he also has learned his alphabet and everything! I feel that he is prepared for Kindergarten this year, since he has gone to preschool.  Very exciting to see your child learn & be so happy.  Do what feels right to you & your child & it will work out.  Best wishes

  6. I started my daughter in pre school at 3 years old, just for the benefit of interaction with other kids. I think 3 days a week is good to start half day if you can, I had to do 5 full days because of work, but I wish I didn't have to. it's good for them, helps the kids become social and gives you some peace and quiet time!  ; )  

  7. My daughter turned three on August 4th and she starts preschool on the 18th of August she will go Monday thru Thursday from 8am to 1pm.I am also a stay at home mom and I choose to do this so she has interation with other children and adults (besides friends and family) so the first day of kindergarten wont be a shock to her.

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