
Can I get arrested for a fine?

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I used to live in PA and last year I was charged with some petty stuff like underage drinking, I am supposed to have it paid already but money is tight right now! I now live in another state but my parents told me they received a letter in the mail that there is a warrant out for my arrest in PA and that a constable stopped by and asked about me. My parents did however tell him where I moved to but its at another state. Can they come for me in another state for a fine? or is it just next time I go to that state I better have the money??? Also I heard there is a bunch of states that work together on even traffic violations is this true and where can i get the list?




  1. By you having a warrant out for your arrest for failurer to appear. If you get stopped by law enforcement in any state they will know.  Why ?  Your name was entered into NCIC which works in all fifty states. Your license were revoked when you were entered and an order to pick them up was issued. If and when your are stopped, this information will appear on DCI in the patrol car. Which is Direct Centeral Information. An NCIC box will appear in Red giving the officer a warring that you have an outstanding arrest warrant in such & such state.  The officer will have there dispatch to contact the Sheriff's Office in that state to see if they wish to exterdite. If the charge is less than what it would cost them to come get you they will not be exterditeing. But you will lose your license and be charged in that state for driving while license revoked. This just got you into something much bigger than if you had just taken care of the other citation. On top of all of that, you now have a record of failing to appear for court. Driving while license revoked is a arrestable offence and what do you think that officer is going to do. That's right, arrest you butt for a stupid mistake you should have taken care of, and now you will half to post a bail to get out of jail which will be higher than the citation you decided not to take care of.  So don't you think you olt to go back and take of this before you get stopped? If you do decide to take of it, Let me help you ok. I know you are thinking by now I'm a smart a** but this is not true. Why would I be telling you this instead of just letting you get cought.????  Before you try to drive yourself back and take the chance of getting stopped, the officer who stops you will never believe that you were coming back to take care of the warrant or the citation for that fact. Would you ?  Here's how to do it, before starting back with anyone, remember you still have the arrest warrant on you. Call the clerks office in that county which you have the failurer to appear in and tell them you are comming back to take care of it. Be sure ! this is most important BE SURE you have a pen with you when you speak to the clerks office. Write down the persons name you talk to. Have them to spell their name for you. If it's possible tell them you wish to speak with the DA about this matter. But for God sake write down every persons name you speak with. Even the DA's name and what was said. Do as they tell you to do. This way if you just so happen to get pulled over in the vehicle that you are not driving and they for some reason run your name, you have proof and names to prove that you are on your way back to take care of the arrest warrant. Now, do I sound like an a**hloe, Don't answer that. Just take of the problem buddy !  Good Luck !

  2. By not paying a fine you are eventually found in contempt of court.  You can be arrested for a warrant on an unpaid fine.  I work in a jail and I see it quite commonly.  I actually released an inmate about two hours ago that had a warrant form a different part of the state for speeding back in '06.  The fine was paid and he was let go.  If he had not paid the fine he would have been transferred to the other county ad gone to court there.

  3. Yes they can still come to you and get the money. Some states do work together for traffic violations like you stated in your question details. I suggest that you go to the police and pay the fine.

    -Mariska Hargitay

  4. You heard right. If the two states are part of the Interstate Compact, PA can notify your new state, and they will hold up your license there or force you violate in the new state by not getting licensed there. Everyone is in it except Mich, Wisc, Georgia, Tenn and Mass.  

  5. Yes you can but they wont like come get you. They will send you there to go to court IF you get arrested or even pulled over if you drive and they do what is called a Warrant Search. The reason for the warrant is that once you failed to pay the fine they require you to go back to court and the when you failed to go they issue a "failure to appear" warrent. Just pay it when you can, it will follow you and will make things difficult.  

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