
Can I get away with using my sister's Busch Gardens season pass?

by  |  earlier

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I just found out im going to Busch Gardens with my best friend and her sister and my sister has a pass, and I was wondering if I can use hers.

My friend said she used to use her sisters pass at Six flags all the time and they got a way with it.

Btw, I have NO money and i really wanna go to BG with them, and if my mom gives me money for BG today then i can't go to Universal with them next weekend. Which i am looking foward to that.




  1. Virginia scans your fingerprint at the entrance. Don't know about Florida, there isn't anything on their website so they may not. this was on the website for the Virginia theme park...

    "Anheuser-Busch Adventure Parks has a new system for Passport members that allows you to enter the park by placing your hand in a reader, which recognizes the unique geometry of the top of your hand for identification. Passport members will still need to have their membership card with them, but will no longer need to have photos taken for select Passport products. As long as you have an active Passport, your card will automatically be set up to work at the entrance to the park—you don't have to do anything. "

  2. Busch Gardens in Tampa fingerprints.  If your sister's fingerprint is on file (she should know if she has been through the fingerprinting cycle), then you would not be able to use her card.

  3. You shouldn't go to Bucsh gardens

    go to Universal

    It has way better rides and i would choose Universal over Busch Gardens

  4. No!

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