
Can I get away without paying this parking ticket?

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I bought a car from New Jersey yesterday. By the time I got back the notories was closed. So I parked the car on a side street that has barely any traffic. Anyway not even 2 hours I get a ticket for no plates and no PA inspection. Car has New Jersey inspection. I was going today to get the plates and inspection for PA and when I wake up, another freaking ticket for the same c**p. Now the car is registered to a dead guy in Jersey. Nothing is connecting me to this car unitl I tranfer everything over. Do you guys think they will still get there money in the long run? Ive tried to call and expalin the situation and they were a******s...




  1. Can't get out of it.

    Ya shouldnt have been parking there

  2. Well, you own it and parked it illegally without being registered.  Yes, it's a technicality, but you are responsible.  You are lucky it was not towed.  Your only hope is to show the court your bill of sale, and that you have 10 days to register the car (in most states).

  3. You'll continue to get tickets until you register the car properly. And you can't register it with outstanding tickets. The information is in the state's computer.

    You better pay up. The tickets were written on the car itself. When ownership transfers (dead guy to you), so do all outstanding warrants, etc.

    You have a better chance if you explain in person when you go to register the car. Take all documentation with you, including proof of insurance.

  4. Well, The only way they could no its the same car, is by the VIN number.

    I imagine if you go and try to have it tagged, they tag place will say, you have an alert to pay some fines.

    If they don't then I don't know how else they could track it.

    Does it show your VIN on the the ticket?

    if it does that, then you might want to.

    I don't think they can issue a warrant for arrest on you though, maybe only put a note for that particular car.

    nothing says you own it at the moment.

    See if you can get it tagged, if you can then i would say your in the clear.


    PS. to all you other posters, that obviously don't know anything.

    They can't reach into his bank account, because they don't know whos car it is.

    If the car had been tagged in NJ, then it would have been fine. But im guessing he has no inspection and no tags.

  5. to drive it from nj to pa you must of had inspection and plates, which should of been on it while it was parked overnight, if that is true you would of gotten no tickets..........i mean, i live in ny and go to my aunts in akron ohio a lot, i park on her street and never get a ticket

  6. Are they being jerks about it, yes. the tickets now and be done with it. Last thing you want is a bench warrant out for your arrest because of some stupid parking tickets.

  7. no u cnt or they can reach into your bank account or wat ever and take the money.

  8. Since he's dead, I'd ignor them, and go for it.  Any way you can change the date on the sales slip?

  9. Don't worry about it. The dead guy is going to get the ticket.

  10. this is what i do. i show up to court and ask how much it is. then i say im gonna make a payment. and then never show up. what that dose is they dont put a warrent out. and it takes em a long time to figure it out. i have 3 tickets from like back in 98, 99 and still nothing, thank god. but its up to you.

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