
Can I get busted for capturing an illegal alien?

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Can I get busted for capturing an illegal alien?




  1. Which one ?

    ET wanted to go home, are you going to pay for the voyage ? It is very expensive, you know. ET lived faaaaaaaar away

    The Alien devoured people

  2. Do it, and after, come to tell us...  of course if you still alive..

    Wajajaja Wajajaja (mean laugh)...

  3. Here ya go, the IRS has the address of where about 8 million of them are employed, and who their employers are.

    Maybe you could let ICE or someone know....?

  4. yes you can get charged and possibly arrested for "captureng" or kidnapping an illegal alien

    they could also on top of that sue u for assault witch u may or may not of done

  5. That's what this guy asked too

  6. Only if he lives. But if you go that route be sneaky like the illegals.

  7. Yes you can. Now go watch the fireworks and enjoy the 4th of July

  8. Yes you can.  You can be sued, and you can be arrested for such conduct.  Leave it to the authorities.

  9. I report illegal Mexicans every chance I get!

  10. Man...go bbq, hit the beach and watch fireworks like a good, red blooded, American. Happy 4th.

  11. Take the spaceship and go on a tour of the universe.

  12. You can call and report them if you like. But another word for "capturing" an illegal immigrant is kidnapping. For which you will be put on trial and possibly go to jail. For all that trouble your captured illegal immigrant will get an automatic visa to stay in this country because he/she was a victim of a violent crime and testified at your trial.

    Not to mention how are you going to determine who is an illegal to capture? Ask them to show you their documents. No one has to show you squat.

  13. Your best bet is to notify ICE if you're SURE the person is illegal.

    A landlord on the next block became incensed when he saw the damage his tenants had done to his property.

    He took them to court but the case kept getting postponed. Finally he got fed up and notified immigration.

    A month later they raided the house and took everybody away. It turned out that there were 3 families living in his five room house and they were all illegals.

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