
Can I get child support?

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I am about to turn 18 and still in high school. If I were to move out and support myself, would I get the child support that my mom has been getting off of me? I have heard before that Mom will keep drawing child support on me until I am 24, so long as I am still in school.




  1. Child support is until you are 18 years old and the only way you can recieve it after that is it your mom was getting it becuase your parents are not together for you and you are going to college you cant take your parents for child support thats what a job is for your going to be 18 years old

  2. If you move out at 18 and support yourself,then you no longer need child support. In almost all cases,if you move out of your custodial parents home,the child support ends.  

  3. No.

    An 18 year old WOMAN living on her own, is considered an independant, so you would not be able to collect child support.

    If you are not living under your mother's roof, she will not be able to collect child support either,

    The Child Support order would stop.

  4. Child support laws are different in different states. It is possible that in your state your mother could continue to draw child support until you are 24 as long as you are still in school, but you would still have to live in her house.  If you move out of the house at 18, or whatever age is considered the age of majority in your state, the child support would completely cease because you would be considered to be an adult and to be responsible for yourself.  And no - you would not receive the child support payments.  

  5. It sounds like your mom has an arrangement for support beyond that given by law.  Like a private arrangement between parents.

    In which case, you would have to read the agreement that was made between them to see if it has any provisions for your situation.

    Otherwise, court mandated support would be paid to the caregiver.  You would have to petition the court if you wanted it paid out otherwise.

  6. Child support lasts until you are 18.  

  7. NO you can NOT!!! the only way you would is if you were still living at home and going to college full-time, and that is only up till you are 21. Now I want to correct you, your mother is NOT getting child support off of YOU. Child support is self explanatory, it is to help support a child. This includes the cost of living, food, electricity, gas, rent. To support a child, us parents have to pay this so that you as a child, have it. If parents are no longer together, then this is why one parent is ordered to pay child support. It is NOT owed directly to the child, hence the reason it is not ordered to go into child money account or directly to the child. It is "child support for the child" which means to help support the child. Should you ever end up in a situation where you have a child and you end up single, you will understand this. No money is directly owed to you. You don't ge paid just for being born.  

  8. Once you're 18... you don't have any legal right to the money as soon as the national standard deems you as an independent.

  9. she's been "getting off you?" u make it sound like a conspiracy against your father, so she cashes the checks and doesn't help support you with it?  It sounds like you need to get a job instead of finding an easy way to milk your dad.

  10. If you live alone , you are independant and ge zero child support.

    If you go to school and are a dependant of your parents,  you may be able to get child suport to 21.

  11. Go the library and look carefully into this.

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