
Can I get color contacts if I don't need glasses? If so, where?

by Guest58548  |  earlier

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I live in Canada and am looking to get colored contacts for halloween.




  1. even though u dont need vision correction, u still need 2 go c an optometrist and get a contacts exam... bcuz without a contact prescription u cant get the contacts. vision centers sell colored contacts, but theyll prolly jus have 2 order them.  

  2. I've thought about getting "cat's eye" lenses for Halloween before, so I've looked this one up :)

    You DO need a prescription. Your eye doctor can probably recommend where to get the lenses from (or might even let you order them in-store), but there are TONS of websites where you can order them from.

    Have fun!  

  3. yes you can but you still need to go to an optometrist to get fitted for the contacts and to make sure that you dont need a prescription then at that point you can order them thru the eye doctor

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