
Can I get compensation from wal mart?

by Guest62602  |  earlier

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I was in a wal mart store and an employee dropped a folding chair on me. I have been sore for four days now and went to the doctor. I filled out an accident report at the store. Should I call wal mart and ask or do I need a lawyer?




  1. I think the only way you need a lawyer is if you substained a serious injury from the dropped chair..

    It is a VERY GOOD THING that you filed an accident report and went to see the doctor because if it comes down to it, you can take those records with you to court.

    Call Wal-Mart and see what they plan on doing about the incident if anything..They could say it was an accident or that the employee has been fired . I doubt that they would actually do it on purpose, however in a store full of customers and small children, safety precautions should be taken more seriously.

    Corporate cases involving such a large chain like Wal-Mart can be quite tricky and time consuming and most of the time they will want to prevent going to court by offering you some sort of compensation to keep the incident on the hush hush.

    My advice if you are really seriously about possibly taking it to court is seek official legal advice. Call around to different firms and get their advice (usually it costs nothing to check around) It is kind of like getting second opinions all across the board.

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