
Can I get contacts with an eyeglass prescription?

by  |  earlier

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My eyeglass prescription is less than a year old (it hasn't changed in years) and I know my contacts brand and fitting information from two years ago (with the same RX as my current eyeglass prescription). I don't want to pay another $250 to go to an eye doctor and put all this information together. Is there a way I can order contacts without an official contact prescription?




  1. No you have to have a contact lens RX from your Dr.  it has the measurements needed to get contacts.  Sorry.

  2. No you have to have a prescripstion for contacts because like the poster above said they have a set of different requirements because the contacts are actually over your eyball so there are things like base curve to consider etc...etc... but yea the cheapest places I've found to get exams are on military bases and in the hood.

  3. A glasses prescription provides information in regard to the POWER needed in a prescription.  In order for a contact lens to be dispensed, the dispenser must have more information.

    1)  Brand of contact lens

    2)  Diameter of contact lens

    3)  Base curve of contact lens

    4)  Power of contact lens (this can be different than the power of the spectacle Rx.)

    This information is what makes a contact lens prescription necessary.

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