
Can I get disposable cameras that have been processed for spare parts?

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You know those 'disposable' cameras that you return the whole shebang at once for processing? (instead of just the film) I wondered if I could ask places that do those for the used camera body. Because I'd like the circuits and all that are in them for a few electronics projects, but don't have the money to cough up $5 every time I want one.




  1. Well, the dirty little secret those places don't tell you about is that those cameras are not quite disposable.

    In fact, those little cameras cost a lot more than $5 you pay for them. The place you buy it from then sends it back to Kodak or Fuji or whoever makes those, and they load a new roll of film into them, change batteries if needed and wrap it into a fresh piece of colorful paper, then sell them to the next customer and so these seemingly disposable cameras, just like street cats have many lives, perhaps even more than 9....

    So, I doubt you can get a used one for spare parts. Because the manufacturer wants them back for their next life... Or else, if those were not coming back to them, they'd become unprofitable to produce and they will stop making tbem.


  2. Maybe you can asked those one hour photo places for it. All you can do is try.

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