
Can I get drunk or at least buzzed before getting a colonic?

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I am a really tense person, and I am super nervous about getting this done, but I know I have to. Will having alot of alcohol mess up the procedure




  1. It would be dangerous, and defeat the purpose of the whole thing. You will have worse things in your life to go through. No alcohol before any medical procedures!

  2. Fiona, I have had many colonics and there is nothing to be afraid of. They are very relaxing and there is no pain whatsoever. If you come in drunk, they will probably refuse to treat you and might ever report you.

  3. As far as I know, a colonic is NOT a medical procedure.  If you are constipated try over the counter remedies such as Milk of Magnasia, ExLax, etc.   Taking alcohol is not something you should do because it would probably irretate the bowel even more.  You don't state your age or the reason your having this done but I hope you have researched this procedure throughly before you have it done.

  4. don't get drunk. they will most likely give you gas the calm you and numb your body. but if you drink before it will mix with the gas and you'll throw up

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