
Can I get herpes from the gas pump?

by  |  earlier

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Actually, she got her herpes from a thrift-store underwear purchase. It's insensitive to joke about these things.




  1. Highly unlikely.

  2. Is that what your girlfriend is telling you where she got hers?

  3. Next time insert the nozzle into the rear of the car or place a condom on the nozzle.

  4. Uh-huh.

  5. Yes, you absolutely can get herpes from a gas pump. It happened to my neighbor. You should see those nasty festering sores around her mouth, ech...

  6. you bet ye.

  7. Where are you putting the nozzle?

  8. Possible, but more likely to give you a heart attack.

  9. Quit "pumping" gas if you think you can get herpes.

  10. Yeah I'm 100% sure,it happened to me too.

  11. And AIDS - after all it's f***ing you.

  12. you have to admitt it is kind of an odd question. First implying the herpes virus to get on a gas pump... then asking if you can get herpes that way... presumably with some sexual activity... hmmm maybe you want to delete this question before your feelings get hurt any more.

  13. I'm  glad you told us  that the girl did not get herpes from the gas pump because I've heard that we are susceptible to   GAS ERITIS.

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