
Can I get herpes if she fellates me? If you really know the stats.?

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I have a new girlfriend with whom I will soon indulge in sexual relations. I will know by then if she has herpes. If she does have herpes but has no cold sores on or in her mouth what is the risk of my contracting herpes on my genitals when she fellates me? 1=low 10=high.




  1. If you do not have hsv-1 yourself, and she has hsv-1 on her mouth:

    about 10% chance per year if you avoid times when she has symptoms, and wait until several days after a cold sore has healed to have contact.

    Yes you CAN pass it without symptoms being present. My boyfriend was extremely careful, and I caught genital herpes from his oral infection 7 years into our relationship.

    Someone with oral hsv-1 is infectious about 18% of the time altogether. And I'd say a 10% chance per year was a reasonably high  risk.

    Hsv-1, the virus than causes most oral herpes, is FAR from 'rare' on the genitals. In fact, it causes 70% of new genital herpes infections among the young.

  2. Can't give u a #. I don't think anyone can, however even without sores if she has herpes u can still get it.

  3. Even though oral herpes ( which is usually Herpes Simplex Virus 1 or HSV-1) rarely can manifest itself in other areas, it has been known to happen, even without sores present, for the most protection i would suggest the use of condoms during the process of fellatio. With out precaution, i would give the risk a 6-7, however with the precaution i would lessen that down to a 3-4, then again i usually tend to stay on the cautious side,    

  4. 10, if she has it, but has no signs it can still pass on

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