
Can I get him to stop..Or rather start?

by  |  earlier

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So...I've been having issues with my bf. I haven't talked with him about it because i'm stressed as it is and I don't want to start an argument. He keeps being a complete *** to me. He apologizes sometimes after a while, but then he does something ********-ish again. Like earlier we were in a store and I saw a little whip thing and I said "Hey, hold out your arm and let me try this" and he said "Okay." so i did and then he FLIPPED OUT! I was like wtf? He said "Okay". Apparently he got mad because he didn't know it was a whip, he thought it was feathers and it's my fault and i should care more. Im thinking what in the h**l..but i said sorry anyways. The earlier we were messing around and he wasn't paying attention and it was hurting me and it was like he didn't even care. "I am going slow." "Okay." are the responses when I was like Pay attention! Ow! that hurts slow down.. its sometimes like he doesnt care. how can i tell him how i feel? any advice is appreciated.




  1. I think you should first make sure the problems you're experiencing with your boyfriend even have anything to do with you. He may just be too stressed and preoccupied with work or other things to realize he's treating you like c**p. I would casually bring it up in conversation and say something like "you seem a little standoffish lately, is something wrong?" or something along those lines. Just make sure you don't have a confrontational tone and make him become defensive in the first 5 seconds of conversation because that won't get you guys anywhere. That's my two cents I hope that helped!

  2. He's just a selfish A## and you won't have to worry about talking to him or trying to make him more considerate cause he will leave you for another as soon as he finds one he can fool,, like he did you

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