
Can I get in trouble for letting an unpermitted driver use my motorcycle?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend who is learning to ride a motorcycle, and wants to use mine. S/he is unpermitted, but knows how to ride somewhat. My bike is fully insured, and I am liscenced. If s/he does get into an accident, will my insurance cover it? Will I get in trouble for letting my friend use my bike? We are in California.




  1. yes, very much so, and in the event that they have an accident, you are liable for any damages to all parties, and many insurance companies will not cover an unlicensed operator, which means it all comes out of your pocket. Plus you get a citation for allowing them to operate it without a license/permit, and proper insurance.

  2. Josh, it all depends on how hot your friend is, and what type off pre-payment plan has been initiated BEFORE any riding takes place.

  3. yes ,you would be held responsable for any and all damages if anything happens out on the street to your friend and anyone else involved ,I would suggest having your friend go to DMV and take the test for a permit and then take them to a empty parking lot or take the MSF course it's $235.00 in California and get the endorsement

  4. your insurance would be null and void and being in USA you

    will prob be jailed

  5. Your insurance covers YOU, not an uninsured/unlicensed rider.

    WHEN they crash, not only are you SOL when it comes to your bike, but you are also liable for any and all medical bills since you knowingly provided the bike to him/her.

    Want to guess how much six months of intensive care and skin grafts costs?

    Idiot.  Why does EVERYONE always think things only happen to someone else?

  6. yes, they at least need a permit...

  7. They are not covered by your insurance and you could be held liable for injury to the rider or others.

    If you want to let them ride it should be in a controlled environment and not on the public roadways.

  8. I would advise against this.

    "Can I get in trouble?"

    As far as the legal and insurance ramifications go, you should talk to your agent or someone in his/her office.  Each state's laws may differ, and each person's policy will differ depending on the type of coverage you have.

    The other question you need to ask yourself is,

    "Can I handle the ramifications if something goes wrong with her on it?"

    Can you afford to cover the deductible if you do need to replace the bike?  Would that be something your friend would be willing and able to pay for if it's her fault?  Or, what if insurance denies the claim?  If you expect to have any leg to stand on in getting  her to contribute anything toward any damages, you should have her sign a statement to that effect, and have it notarized, before you hand over the key.  (Even so, a judge may or may not hold her responsible if you are irresponsible enough to allow an unpermitted driver to drive your bike.)

    Beyond the monetary and legal risks, are the moral risks.  What if she injures or kills herself, or someone else on the road, due to lack of experience... would you be able to live with yourself for providing the vehicle?

    Or, what if you let her, and then see that she's a bad driver... will it disrupt the friendship if you change your mind about letting her ride it?

    Personally, I think letting an unpermitted driver ride your motorcycle is not very smart, unless you don't care very much about your bike, your friend, or your friendship... there's just too much that can go wrong too quickly.

    If your friend has the drive and persistence to want to really learn to ride, she will go through the proper channels to get a license, and secure a motorcycle through her own savings/credit rather than yours.

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