
Can I get into Muay Thai? Any advice?

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I am 16 years old and about 5'6 or 5'7

I have 2 years prior wrestling experience, but that was 2 years ago =/

Muay Thai seems like an awesome sport to get into, and i am in good physical shape in terms of stamina, and i have a pretty good build for my size.

Now just some questions...

Is there any ranking system in muay thai like belts?

How long does it take to be considered an experienced fighter?

And during practice, can i get seriously injured? i'm not worried about my self getting injured i can take the pain and hits, but if i get seriously injured my biggest fear is that my parents will pull me out of it.

Thanks for answering




  1. Hey buddy. I play Muay Thai. In Thailand, they start kids at the young ages of 3 in Muay Thai. You are actually old by Thailand standards!

    Is there any ranking system in muay thai like belts? Just like boxing, there is different organizations, and most provinces/states have an amateur and sanctioning body for the sport.

    How long does it take to be considered an experienced fighter? I don't know what you mean by this. Years. But when you are good, you are good. Its possible for natural talent to come to a club, and they become top competitors in 3 - 5 years time. It happens.

    And during practice, can i get seriously injured? i'm not worried about my self getting injured i can take the pain and hits, but if i get seriously injured my biggest fear is that my parents will pull me out of it.

    Yep, you can get injured in training. I mean, it is Muay Thai. Its a brutal striking art. Your going to bang up your shins and arms. It happens. But you can get injured walking down the street. You can get injured playing tennis.. You only have one life. Live it.

  2. There is no ranking system for muay thai.

    Like any sport, it takes years to be a top level thai boxer, but if you mean mastering the basics, you should have down the thai kicks,knees, elbows within a couple of weeks or months(depending on how much u practice). Practice is not brutal bone breaking madness. Class will start off with some cardio(running around the mats, jump roping, shadowboxing) and after that you partner up and drill techniques on thai pads and mits.

    Schools usually have a sparring day once a week but does not force sparring onto the students, you can spar when you are ready to spar.

    When you join, the 1st day will be extremely awkward getting used to the pads so don't be discouraged if u spaz out the 1st class.

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