
Can I get into NYU with these stats?

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3.5 G.P.A

750 SAT Subject Test US HISTORY

790 SAT Literature Test

2250 SAT Reasoning

9 Clubs

2 Sports, TaeKwondo and Tennis

I am black so minority only 3% go to the school.

Do I have a good chance?




  1. With those SAT scores, you shouldn't have much of a  problem. Also your activities seem to be numerous and varied, so I would think that NYU would be impressed with you. Of course, the college admissions process is just one big mystery, so the best we can do is guesstimate. Good luck!

  2. hey, Ryan!!... can you give me your e-mail adress?

    mine is

    e-mail me!!! PLEASE!!

  3. absolutely, if these are your results and you're not making it up to appear that u look good

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