
Can I get into Rutgers?

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I live in new jersey and i am about to enter my junior year in high school and i want to go to rutgers. But i am worried that my immigration status will not let me become accepted. I have a Social Security Card, A work permit, and a passport. The only thing i am missign si a greencard, but the trick is that i applied for it , its jsut in the process, my case hasn't moved much further yet. SO i was wondering could i get into Rutgers with just those items ( grades aside )? Please give good examples and reasoning.




  1. how did you get these items???  A social security card?  really?  Do you think we're all going to help you?  If you've got a SS#, you don't need the rest  CUZ YOU'D BE LEGAL!!

    You should call immigration directly and turn yourself in -- you're illegal.  Better yet...I will.

  2. Whoa!  What kind of visa did you enter the US on?  You are in high school and have a work permit?  No one under 18 is eligible for any type of employment visa.  And how did your parents get you a Social Security card?  What is their status?  You cannot apply for a green card, your parents have to apply for you -- if you are only in high school, you are a minor.  Something smells very fishy here, or else important info is missing or garbled in your question.

    You must be a US citizen or legal permanent resident, or else apply for a student visa to attend college in the US.  Student visas must be applied for from your country of citizenship.  You had better ask your parents exactly what they are doing here, what your status is, and what they are going to do about your future education.

  3. You need a student visa or permanent resident status (green card) and very good grades.  Without a green card or student visa, which you would have needed to apply for before you got here your application will not ne accepted regardless of your grades.  Your sloppy spelling will not help either.

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