
Can I get into UT with this?

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I'm about to be a senior. I've got a 3.5 GPA and I got a 1900 on my SAT. Obviously there's more to it than that, but just based on these to bits of information, what chance do I have of admission. Also, I live in Texas, if it matters.




  1. yes but go on UT website and look for there admissions requirements if u apply u will get accepted  

  2. Yeah, I think so. I'm there now. It's pretty competitive if you're not in the top ten percent (I made a 2080 on my SAT and had a 3.7 GPA, but wasn't in the top ten), but you should be okay. Part of it will depend on your major. It's a good idea to come to campus (if you're close) to speak with an adviser in the academic area you want (college of Natural Sciences, for example), or you can call admissions. It's definatly worth applying, if you miss it at all, you sure don't by much... I really think you can get in with that.

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