
Can I get into basketball shape in a month and a half?

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Ok. I haven't played basketball since my tournament game of my senior year(think feb. 08). Ive been fairly busy showing horses and etc. and am in no shape whatsoever!! none! I start basketball conditioning for college(NCAA D3) in a month and a half. I have to run a 7 min mile. What can I do to get into shape before then. PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. 7min mile... That's easy. Just run a few (2-5) miles 4-5 times a week and you'll be fine.

  2. It really depends on you and your coach's definition of "in shape". I played J.V this past school year and we got in shape in just under 4 weeks. You either have to be innately athletic or can rally commit. However, adult basketball players tend to have more demanding requirements on their plates , esp. when it come to coaches. My advice, simply put, is to RUN< RUN< RUN! Everyday, at least one mile, followed by some sprints, then a cool off mile, which includes jogging it off. Time yourself daily and dont stress out about the first couple times. If you're as out of shae as you say, it may discourage you, so just keep doin it, and stay positive. Also, just play basketabll vai pick-up games with adults. (they cheat alot, but it helps)

  3. my answer i found a site that help you about training program

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