
Can I get into college in Boston?

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Among the Boston schools, will I be able to make it into places like BU, BC, Tufts, U Mass Boston, Emerson, etc?

I will most likely end up with a cumulative GPA somewhere in the 3.55-3.63 range. SAT: 730 Verbal 650 Writing and 600 Math. I am the vice-president of student government and have a good shot at the presidency. I am considered an excellent leader by my teachers and peers, as evidenced by my work in government, along with my work on the Varisty Cross Country, Tour Guiding, the creation of weekly jam sessions for musicians, my work with the school guitar ensemble, and my work as an intern in the Barack Obama campaign this year. I will be able to get senior teachers to write great recommendations, because I am a very well respected and admired person for my age (Not to sound like a jerk or anything, just trying to be honest).

Do you think I'll have a chance at these places?




  1. If you can get your GPA up to 3.7 then you will be able to have a good shot at the better Boston metropolitan area schools like BC, Holy Cross, and Tufts.

    You should be a slam dunk for Boston Univ.

    UMass Boston and Emerson are definitely safeties for you.

  2. Looks good.....but you really never know with colleges, especially the more competitive ones.

  3. I would guess that you would get into all of them...with the possible exception of BC...although I still think you will get in there

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