
Can I get my Daughter back she was kidnap by her non custodial mother into mexico.?

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She was taken Into border town close to me but here in the United States I have Full custody of her. She commited the Crime 2 days before the court hearing date and the Judge gave me full Custody but what is that worth in mexico is so diffrent than in the United States, over there I don't have nothing my Us consulate told me here in mexico ur alone.




  1. Do you have a pistol? If not, get a baseball bat...go down to mexico and put that Biyatch in the local hospital, take your child and bring her back to the USA!

  2. Call the police....they will know who can help you

  3. Check out this website.  It is from the US Department of State.

  4. You can hire a "location and retrieval" expert to go and get your daughter back.

  5. It is better if she stays with her mother. Let her bring her up as you may not be able to bring her up properly and provide the security a female child is entitled to.

  6. If you can find her, It is called kidnapping, in mexico, but the officials wont help find her much unless you have a lot of $$$$

  7. I would say to talk to the police then if they can't help you get her back go down there and get her back yourself evern if you have to hit her (the mother). Thats coming from an mother of 2. The youngest kids father is not in her life at all and I would kill if anyone took ether of them from me. But go to the police and make a report and what not.

    Good Luck!

  8. Contact the US Embassy in Mexico and explain to them what happened and they will advise you on what to do.  They have a "Victims of Crimes" division, here´s the phone number (when calling from the US): 011 52 55 5080 2000 x4523.

    They also have a special section on child abductions.

    Good luck!

  9. contact the us state dept this the best place. go to the hague convention link on this link.

    i have had to deal with intl family law myself.

    also contact the police and your congressman asap at type in your zip. call email   make a loud fuss. contact the media and do what you are doing. make a scene. contact america's most wanted on the web. they may be able to help.  good luck and good bless.

    call 1 800 FED INFO for help too    start here first!!!

  10. You have a serious problem. If you take your daughter by kidnapping her back, you may be guilty of a crime in Mexico. Mexican jails are not a pretty place. If you can figure out a way to trick her mom into coming back into the US with the girl, you'll have a much easier time of it. Good luck.

  11. here might be some help for you ?:

    International Parental Child Abduction

    We help parents whose children are victims of international parental child abduction and fulfill U.S. treaty obligations relating to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Services include:

    Information about international child abduction, enforcement of visitation rights and abduction prevention techniques

    Information about the Hague Convention, and coordination with other treaty partners to the benefits of parents and children

    Help parents protect children from the tragedy of international parental abduction through our Prevention Unit

    For more information, please click on: International Child Abduction

    What the State Department Can Do:

    In cases where the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction applies, assist parents in filing an application with foreign authorities for return of the child

    In other cases, through our embassies and consulates abroad, attempt to locate, visit and report on the child's general welfare

    Provide the left-behind parent with information on the country to which the child was abducted, including its legal system, family laws, and a list of attorneys there willing to accept American clients

    In all cases, provide a point of contact for the left-behind parent at a difficult time

    Monitor judicial or administrative proceedings overseas

    Assist parents in contacting local officials in foreign countries or contact them on the parents behalf

    List the child in a passport look-out database to alert the custodial parent to an application for a U.S. passport.

    Alert foreign authorities to any evidence of child abuse or neglect

    here is where i found the information .i hope it can help you out ?;

    here is a form that you may have to fill out :

    please go read it at this page :

    come back if i need to look for more informations for you

    i am not an expert on this matter but will try to find more informations if i can ....

    good luck to you and your child .:-)

  12. Assuming that your ex-wife (hopefully you were at least married) is a Mexican National, that is a chance you (and millions of others) took when you married her.

    9 out of 10 US Citizen/non US Citizens marriages end this way.

    If the non custodial mother was not your legal wife, then it appears that you did not care enough about the child to marry it's mother.

    Sorry that you got yourself in to such a situation, but I feel sorrier for the child.

    As for the Haque Convention of abducted children.  When the mother took the child to Mexico (2 days BEFORE the court hearing) she was not "abducting the child" but apparently had full parental custody.

    It was only after the mother returned home to Mexico that the "evil American Judge" tried to steal her baby from her and give it to the North Americano.

    Do you REALLY think some petty Mexican Judge will rule against one of his neighbors in favor a someone from the USA?

    Try it, there is always hope.  I think you will have better odds buying a lottery ticket and then offering the mother a Million dollars (from your winnings) to return the child to you!

    Keep in mind that once the Mexican citizen child crossed the border US Courts do not have juridiction under Mexican laws.

  13. Call the police...they will help you more than we can

  14. i dont know

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