
Can I get my LPN liscense and Relocate?

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I want to move to Miami Florida after I get my 2 year degree in LPN, the thing is is that I live in Indiana, I love Miami and they need nurses Bad down there, If I get my Lisense here in Indiana, will they say I have to Have a Liscense from Miami? See what I want to do is, Save alot of money while I go to school here, and when I get my LPN Liscense,I'll be good to go move down there. But when I get down ther and look for a job, and They see that I obtained my liscence in Indiana, will they still hire me?




  1. Get your license then get a "Nursing License Transfer" for Florida.

  2. You will need to get certified in the state you move to; however, it should be much easier than the initial LPN process. It also depends on the state, as every state is a little different. I would call a hospital that you are thinking of applying to (assuming you want to work for a hospital) and ask them in FLA. They should know the details for the state they are in.

  3. you should be able to just contact the FL board of nursing and request a license transfer.. there will probably be a fee involved but people do it all the time.  YOu can't work in FL with a IN license but you may be able to get a temp license in FL until your regular license comes in that will permit you to work there.. if you apply early enough, your new license will be in in time. GL.. we need all the qualified nurses we can get. You have chosen a tough, but rewarding and VERY underpaid and under appreciated job. I wish you well

  4. I'm not an LPN, but I think your license will be good.  At the most you could have to take a refresher class or something specific to that state.  I know that some hospitals place nationwide ads looking for nurses.  Good luck.

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