
Can I get my child out of special education?

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Can I get my child out of special education?




  1. no because he must be dumb

  2. YES. All you have to do is write a letter to the district specail ed director stating you want your child out. If they say no, then write back stating you are requesting 'prior written notice' of their reason why they refuse.

    IDEA law, which is special ed law, mandates schools to give this to parents explaining their decisions.

    And, their reasons have to be LEGAL. THere is NOTHING in the IDEA law that states a child can NOT get out of special ed if the parents request it.

    So, when you request this prior written notice they will then let the child out because they will NOT put ILLEGAL reasons in writing to you.

  3. As a parent you have the legal right to refuse special education services at any time.

    You need to notify your school in wiriting, CC the board of education that is over your school.

    they ahve 30 school days to meet and withdraw them. You will have an exit meeting though.

    :) Hope this helps.....

  4. yes.. But you do know that if you do, then the school has no legal obligation to offer modications. Nor are they legally allowed to offer modications on state tests.

  5. If you help him/her with his/her homework, and explain things the child doesn't understand, maybe you could. Try to always motivate your child to do his/her best.

  6. No.

  7. It all depends why your child is in special education. If you took your child out of special education would their needs still be properly met?

  8. Legally, all you have to do is request a meeting.  When you request it, let his case manager know why.  The school ususally request someone from downtown/central office to set in during the meeting.

    *** They will document that your child will loose his discipline protection (Can't be 100% if he brings a weapon to school for instance. He will receive free tutoring instead.)

    *** Your child will also loose his rights to extra time on tests, multiple test sessions,  speech therapy, etc.  This extra help can make a huge difference in life and while he is preparing for college.  He will also loose alot of his rights to adult services and potential schloraships.

    *** Your child, should he or she have problems down the line when the material is more difficult, will sit in a classroom  for six or so months without accommodations.  This may mean that your son or daughter could fail tenth grade English and would need to retake it.

    Now if you just want him out of special education classes, but want him "followed "  with the right to accommodations (extra time, etc.) you can do that too.  Just remove him from special education classes and have him 100% in the regular classroom.

    If you have anyother questions, feel free to email me.

    ******* I agree with jdeekdee aside from one thing... IDEA states that you do not have to have a meeting.  However, in some states, that is not legal.   You must have a meeting to change the IEP. As long as the states meet the IDEA, the states can add extra requirements to the laws.  The state that I work in did just the thing... meeting required to change the IEP.  Most states are probably going to go in this direction until it is defended successfully in court, especially for a "big" meeting such as this.  Your state may be different, however.

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