
Can I get my credit card number changed?

by  |  earlier

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I need to have my number changed because websites ive never even heard of or been to are charging my credit card card $30 and $40 right after i pay my credit bill and they are putting me over my limit and it is really ******* pissing me off. Been going on for 3 billing statements.




  1. call your credit card company and tell them that your card has been compromised.

    They will issue you another card and number, immediately.

  2. I would call the credit card company right away!

    They usually allow you to contest the charges if you are being unfairly charged. If these websites have a history of doing this, they can usually find out and there wont be much of a problem.

  3. Of course!

    Just call customer service. Have them kill the old number and send you a new card. The new card should arrive within 7-10 business days.

    If you have automatic charges that go against your credit account periodically, just remember to contact those companies and update your payment information with the new card number.

  4. call your company and make a request.


  5. yes.

    Tell your card issuer about this problem NOW. They will take care of it.

  6. yes. The bank will issue you a new card after they close the first. Report any fraud. You dont pay.

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