
Can I get my drivers license before I turn 16 if I work on a farm?

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Can I get my drivers license before I turn 16 if I work (not live) on a farm?

Not for driving like tractors and machines. But just driving the truck on the roads around the farm, and hauling trailers, and towing broken tractors into town.

(I already drive on farm property, but I could help a lot more, and do a lot more work if I was able to drive on roads.)




  1. Possibly.  You didn't mention your state.

  2. Completely depends on the state you live in, and their current laws.  My husband started driving semi trucks for farmers, when he was 14 years old (legally).  My husband had been driving on farm, since he was an 8 year old boy. That was in Idaho, in the heart of potato country.  That was about 20 years ago.  I believe the law still stands, and 14 year olds can drive farm trucks/tractors, equipment here, on the backroads, and interstates.

    Check with your local DMV, and they will be able to tell you.  Please be carefull.  We usually have one local child die every year, driving the farm trucks.  Last year it was a 15 year old boy, who didn't stop and look at an railroad crossing.  Train hit the semi spud truck he was driving, and he diedl.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  3. What state do you live in?  Probably not, but you need to check with the DMV in your state.  You can see the graph on the site below to see requirements for each state.

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