
Can I get my guys friends to have boners?

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Me and my friends were talking about are guy friend and how we have like seen and like felt there junk lol. But we have only felt it like when we hug so is it us or the hug or can we give a guy a ***** just by talking to them. If it's by talking what would we say?




  1. yes u can by saying dirty nasty thing. like wat 2 ppl were doin in a (adult movie) and say the sound they made wen they u know. trust me it works evrytime.

    answer mine

  2. if a guy gets a ***** just cause u talking to him they r weird o.0 i never get one while talking to girls  

  3. say girls and they will get a ***** before ya know it :)

  4. Maybe he put a rolled up sock in his pants to impress the ladies....

  5. its easy for guys to get turned on like that.. iif the wind blows the right way, u'll feel it, trust me...

    answer mine:;...

  6. It is possible...u may have said something that set him off w/o even knowing it. Some guys just get *****s really easy. My bf has gotten one b4 by just making out w/ me lol..........................or his u-know-wat could just be really large!? hahahaha =)

  7. talk about s*x,"I could hear my parents doing it last night". "The lady next door forgot to pull down her shades last night. She was exercising in the nude". "god, she has big b***s"

    The other thing you can do is touch your friend. While talking to him, touch his hand as if to emphasize something. or walk up behind him while he is sitting down and put your hands on his shoulders. Squeeze if you want. If you are sitting beside him put your hand on his leg.  

  8. say something s**y that will make him horny, you could talk about s*x, masturbation, your fantasize about, i mean sexually, s*x toys, p**n, etc... If a guys gets s*x in his mind, he is probably going to get a *****

  9. Unless you're interested in them, or dating them...I dont exactly understand your need to give them boners. O__o

    you're what my boyfriend would call a ..s**t!

    But nevermind, you actually can give a guy a ***** just by talking but that really only works if he's interested in you.

  10. talk s**y..? haha idkk srry

  11. when you are hanging out with these guys, they are probably imagining all the dirrrty stuff they wanna do to you!!  that's giving them the boners!!! haha.  so when you are talking to them, TELL them what you want to do to them!  they'll love it..

  12. Yeah sure you can get your guy friends to have boners, just make sure that your guy friends don't get you to have babies afterwards.

  13. If giving guy friends boners is facinating to you, then I am guessing you are young and curious and should probably be spending your energy on other things...right?

  14. It sounds to me that you're teenagers. If so, be aware, guys that age can just think about something and they've got one.  

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