
Can I get my master degree in America and then get a job there and get a green card through the job?

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is this possible?

I'm a student here in London, England. I want to get my degree over here in England (Economics) and get my master degree in the United States. I may or may not go for a Phd. Whether I do or not, after University in America, I would like to get a job over there.

What I really want to know is that can I get a green card via my job following University over there because I really want to move to USA and spend the rest of my life there, I have been there many times and love it.

Also, another important question is that will I find it easy to get into an American University with an English degree to get my master degree, is it easy to transfer to an American university from England...difficulty, procedures etc ??





  1. While it is technically possible to study at graduate level here and then find a company to petition you to work in the U.S. and then somewhere down the line have that company sponsor you for a green card; it is certainly not a simple nor short process and there is no guarantees that the company will do either. They may petition you to work for them, but they are under no obligation to sponsor you for a green card, ever. So you could work for them for 8 years (the max permitted) and then be on your way home once this contract terminates.

    You will face the same difficulties as everyone else. A Bachelor's degree from the UK is the equivalent to one is the U.S. but when you apply you may be ask to send off your school transcripts  to a third party and get them evaluated to find their *true* equivalence.

    Procedures. Just take a look at any university website and look for the admission as an international student section and there it will tell you the requirements and procedures to apply to that university.


  2. Honestly, your best bet is marrying an American.

    You would have to have really unusual skills to get an American firm to hire you now. If you get a Harvard degree and specialize in something rare, you might find an employer to go to bat for you, but it's just so much easier for them to hire an American in most cases.

  3. First, you need to understand that you need to be able to prove you are doing a job that an American native would not do better, in order to obtain a green card.  So keep that in mind.  Economics majors in the US are a dime a dozen, so you need to find a way to make yourself unique precisely because you are not American.  

    Getting into an American school depends upon the school.  But most colleges and universities here have great programs to encourage foreign students to attend.  You need to decide upon some schools to which you want to apply, and then contact the admissions departments for each one.  It isn't too early to start doing research and asking questions.   You can find online websites for every school, and information about what makes that school unique, etc.  Then use the contact information on each site to ask to receive application information.  

    Once you are here studying, there will be other foreign nationals around you who can guide you in shaping your education so that you will be most likely to be able to apply for an eventual green card.  (While you are studying here you will be here on a "student visa" and won't need a green card until you graduate.)

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