
Can I get ocular herpes from this?

by  |  earlier

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So today I was laying here with my girlfriend talking and she has a cold sore right now so we don't kiss or anything like that when shes having an outbreak and she leaned over and started talking and I could feel her breath eye. Is there anyway I could get ocular herpes from something small like that?

I'm such a hypochondriac =(




  1. Ocular herpes contacted threw another person having an out break with active herpes infection (cold sore of lips) this herpes simplex virus initially enters the body threw nose and mouth and travels into the nerves where it may be inactive, this can lay dormant for years and never wake up.The exact cause to trigger this is unknown. If does break out there is a 40/50 percent  chance of returning,no tome limit is know en may be weeks or may be years following original occurrence usually only one eye is affected but can affect both.

  2. yes ,

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