
Can I get out of Jury Duty because I homeschool?

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I sure hope so. I'm supposed to serve in Municiple court on March 7th. I went and filled out some paperwork requesting to be excused. And now I wait to hear back.

They have me serving this Friday and next Friday.

I am serving this Friday, I just can't the next Friday. My daughter and I have a club that is a mother, daughter club we go to and we have already paid the dues to go. There are no sitters I can get around here.




  1. The following are reasons/excuses that I have used that successfully gets me out of Jury Duty!

    1. I will not pass judgment on others. (Not an excuse)

    2. I hate the human race.

    3. I will fall asleep due to insomnia.

  2. i dont think thatsa good excuse in their eyes

  3. Well, if they had you fill out paperwork, then you're really going to have to wait and see.

    I was called twice during college.  Of course my university was 2 hours away, so I got deferred until summer.

    Then I was called when I was breastfeeding my son and got out of it.  I also got out of it when my daughter was in the hospital (5 month stay).

    I was also HS'ing my older one and filled in the box that it would cause "undue hardship" on my family to serve.  I got out of it.  I didn't have a sitter, either.  My DH couldn't take off of work.

    The one time in college I had to serve I was chosen as an alternate.  It was summer, I was young, and I didn't know the etiquitte of a court room (lovely public school education!) so I wore shorts and a t-shirt.  I was called on it.  I did have to go up as one of the 16, then I was on call back status and never had to serve.

    Good luck!

  4. You should be able to. Being a full-time caregiver (which a homeschooling parent is) is usually reason enough to not have to serve jury duty.

  5. Here in California they are no longer excusing stay at home moms or homeschooling Moms. The only excuse would be if you had a medical problem. It stinks. You would think they would excuse you for homeschooling. They are really cracking down here in California. I don't know what it is like in your State. They even check with the doctor.

    I only got out because I have Fibromyalgia and Arthritis and severe back pain that limits me from sitting for any length of time and I have to get up and down and they can't allow that if you are on a jury.

  6. In my district, I know they generally grant at least one extension regardless of if the "excuse" is good or not.  I know for a fact that they defer school teachers to the summertime all the time.  Hopefully, your district sees you as a school teacher and affords you the same exception.

  7. i dont think so...

  8. Because so many people have tried to get out of jury duty, most states have revamped the rules, making it very difficult to get out. Since you have a specific time conflict, you may be able to get it rescheduled (especially since it is Municiple court rather than statewide). I hope that works so you can go to your club.

    But, even if you get rescheduled, you will still probably have to go. Since you expressed concern about not finding a babysitter, I have a different idea:

    Bring your daughter to Jury Duty.

    You are her teacher, right? Teach her about courts, juries, justice, etc. If anyone questions you, explain that you are willing to serve but you are not willing to stop educating your daughter. You have made the accomadation of changing the lesson plan for the day, surely they don't force public school children to stay out of school just because their parents have jury duty.

    Even if the judge doesn't let you off, chances are that one of the lawyers won't want you.

  9. You might be able to. But why not use it as a learning experience to share with your daughter. It is a civic duty.

  10. Wow.  You are lucky.  You have an excellent opportunity to teach your children how the municipal justice system works.   You can show them how you are being a responsible citizen and impress on them how each individual can make a democratic nation.   I think if you try to slip out of jury duty you will be teaching your child how to be irresponsible and you will have lost a great teaching opportunity.

  11. You may get deferred for the reasons others have stated, but I doubt you will "get out of it".

  12. I hope so, but I don't see it working around here either. When I served jury duty, the only three people were completely excused.  A wife of a city police officer.  A lady who's brother was killed by a drunk driver (DUI trials).  A former state police detective.  Self-employed individuals and moms with young children stayed to serve.  (I was a public school teacher at the time who's family works in about every law enforcement agency in my area  I voted guilty, in case you are interested.)

    Paying your dues won't help your case. I think stating that may hurt your case more.  It sounds a bit frivolous.

    The sitter situation might work though.  I guess your husband will stay home that day or take her with him to the office.  Sorry.

  13. That should work.

  14. It's probably up to the Judge, unfortunately. It probably depends on how HE feels about homeschooling. Let's see......what would I do in your situation??

    I'd contact my lawyer. We are members of HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association):

    Their Phone # 540 338-5600 Whether or not you are a member, I would suggest giving them a call, since the decision in your case potentially affects lots of homeschoolers, they may decide to assist or advise you even if you're not a member.

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