
Can I get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy 2 years ago?

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I ended up having a tube to rupture and had emergency surgery two years ago. How difficult will it be for me and my husband to try having another child? It is more risky? Will I go through the same thing? Anyway to prevent it?




  1. That specific problem is only for your OB/GYN to answer to you. He is the only one that can perform specific tests to see if you are fertile or not. Good luck and God bless!

  2. That's for your OB to answer.  Its  specific for your body and emotional self.  Open communication between you and your family and you and your doctor will help you find you answer.  In my life though, (and this is specifally for me) with God all things are possible.

  3. If they only had to work on the tube that ruptured than you still have one active ovaries and tube available. You can get pregnant. If you don't want to; my advice would be to go to the doctor and get examined on the possibility's and if they find you can get pregnant get on the pill if you don't want to right now. Keep in mind sometimes after being on the pill a while it can take up to a year to get pregnant.

  4. yes you can get pregnant again but you will most likely be monitiored closely as those who have had a previous eptopic are at higher risk of having another. No - there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

  5. this site is very informative...explaining possible outcomes and options for different situations....

  6. hi im sorry to hear u had an ectopic pregnancy. i had one in february this year. after trying for 4 years. it is possible to get pregnant again. a woman i know had it 2 months before me and after 3 months she was pregnant again. a normal pregnancy and im still struggling. i havent had my period in 2 months which is unusual so hopefully this time i am. theres no way to prevent this from happening again im afraid. i know its a very hard thing to cope with also the loss of a tube isnt the best either. im like u i had to get my tube tooken out it does reduce our chanced by 3% which isnt a lot. but when u have been trying for 4 years 3% does seem like a lot to me

    i wish u all the best and hope u get pregnant soon. its people like me and you that struggle when we are the ones who will make a good family. i really wish u all the best. xxxx

  7. I also had the Exact same thing. I do not have my right tube from a ruptured ectopic. I have since had 2 more babies since then. Your remaining tube can pick up the egg from either side it falls from- the tube can sweep back and forth to either side. You are NOT at an increased risk of a tubal if they took the tube out that ruptured. There is no way to prevent an ectopic.

  8. It does put you at more risk, statistically. However, something could have just been wrong with that one side and the other is perfectly normal. It's something to discuss with your Ob/Gyn that performed the surgery.

    My sister in law had the same thing after having 2 sucessful pregnancies. Her doc said she must have had the children from the other side and it would be perfectly fine to try again after losing the tube on the left.

    If both of your fallopian tubes are damaged, then it would put you at more risk, but there's a good chance that is not the case and you would be fine. What did they tell you after the surgery? Did they tell you not to try again? If you get the go ahead - make sure you test immediately so that you have an ultrasound and they know it's not tubal.

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