
Can I get pregnant again????

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I had to have an operation to get my uterus taken out about 3 years ago but I luckily already had 2 children (a boy and a girl!) But I'm in a new relation and it's very serious and we've been talking about having a baby...I would like to know if there is any posibility of there being a new sort of operation which would enable me to get pregnant again!! I mean I didn't want to have to get operated the first time but my uterus was in bad shape after a bad experience and had to be removed!! But is there any way that there would be a transplant or an artificial uterus that I could get the proceder done and maybe have the posibility to have a child with my new husband..please this is not a joke it is very real and I would apreciate any serious information anyone could send us as this is something we really desire, just in case if there is nothing that could be done I would like to say that we seriously plan to adopt and help a child!! But please anything at all in all seriousness we'll be very grateful for!!! Thank you and God bless!!




  1. As far as I know, adoption or surrogacy are your only options.  Sorry.

  2. I wish I could tell you that there is something but there isn't.Trust me,I wish there was though.My cousin had to have a hysterectomy and she's only 18 years old.It's very sad but there is nothing you can do about it.

  3. No. You need a uterus to hold a fetus.  And there's no way you could get an "artificial" uterus either.  Your only option is adoption. Or surrogacy, if your prepared to fight a woman for custody of a child she carries for 9 months inside her.

  4. I've never heard of such an operation.  As far as I know, without a uterus, there's no chance of carrying a baby.  You could look into adoption or have a surrogate mother.  There are options available to you to have baby.  You just won't be able to carry the baby yourself.  Best of luck!

  5. I haven't heard of anything that would allow you to do this and it sounds like something from a sci-fi film.  And even still, it would probably be astronomically expensive!

    Do you still even produce eggs?  I would guess not but I don't know too much about that.  If you were still able to do that, maybe consider a surrogate - that probably would be a lot cheaper than a transplant (which doesn't sound possible).  I mean...if you were to still produce eggs (which doesn't sound possible but what do I know?) then they could be extracted and your DH could give his sperm and you could implant in another woman.  

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