
Can I get rid of my AT&T landline but keep my AT&T internet connection?

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I want to cancel my landline service and only use our cell phones. I want to continue to use the DSL service for internet connection. Can I do this? Or do I still have to pay basic landline phone costs for DSL to work?




  1. Part of the agreement between the FCC and AT&T to approve the merger between AT&T and Bellsouth was to offer customers the option to use a phone line for DSL service without requiring voice services.  So by law they are required to do so.  But how long it takes AT&T to update their systems will vary with each market they serve.  As someone has already suggested you should contact AT&T local services to asked for the 'naked DSL' services.

  2. yes, you can....! ask ATT or Verizon for a dry ( naked) DSL line!!

    ATT has a dry DSL line for 10 dollars a month for new customers....its very hard to find online, but you can ask for help...but ATT will treat you like dirt, because they don't make any money on you!!

  3. Yes, you can, use AT&T, not Verizon....

  4. In some markets AT&T has started offering what they, or at least some folks in the media, call "Naked" DSL. You'll still have active wire coming into your house, but no number assigned to it and no dial tone.

    You'll need to call AT&T and see if it s available in your area -- and from what I have heard they don't always make it easy, since it can be pretty inexpensive.

  5. Phone companies have a "monitored" landline (I think that's what it's called) for use with internet and security systems where the homeowners don't have a phone in the house.  It's fairly inexpensive, so you can actually do that.

  6. you need your land line for Dsl no other way around can get cable for internet connection and get rid of your dsl but cable is more expensive

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