My ex and I have joint-custody, and up until 2 weeks ago I had our 5 year old daughter Monday - Friday. We agreed to switch schedules(though I was hesitant ) so I could work more, then join the army in a few months, then come back and resume every weekend with my daughter. so I had my lawyer draw up a stipulation with all the changes. My daughter is on her second week of kindergarten and the legal papers are finished but not signed yet.Now I'm starting to have second thoughts. I have to be able to trust her to let me see my daughter when I have vacation time from the army, because I'll have to drop joint-custody for the time being and get it back after my three years of service is up( it could end up being more than 3 years) and my schedule will be too sporadic to plan consistent visits. So it'll be up to her to let me visit my kid when I come home. she did say she would do it though. Originally she said she would work with me if I give her what she wants which is to have our daughter during the week.
When we first agreed to switch, she said that she would be there every day to pick our kid up from school, because she was going to be working part-time. After the first day of school I called and talked to my daughter and she told me that her moms friend's kids 9 and 13 years old walked her to their house, and said there were no adults with them. I asked her mom about it and she told me it wasn't true, that her friend was there with them. She then preceded to tell me that her boyfriend and her friend will be the ones to pick up our kid. I told her I thought she was being dishonest,and is already making stupid decisions. Then we had a big fight, and she said she thinks our daughter is ready now to walk home with no adult supervision. This kind of thing scares me that she is that careless, and also makes me worry that she'll go back on some of the other things too.
Also, I have a tight bond with my daughter and I'm concerned I'll lose that if I go away for a while. I'm having a tough time making these decisions. Should I forget about going to the army? I don't want to wait too long to join, I just turned 33, and I think if I do it it'll be soon or never.
hope that made sense, Any advise on what I should do would be appreciated.