
Can I get some good quotes, sayings or poems?

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Mainly about discreat love.. once upon a love.. or friends you love but cannot have..

links and sites would be much apreciated too.. thnx




  1. hopefull, soked and cold

    With my eyes locked on yours

    I can't stop this rain from falling

    And intentoins keep me wanting more

    Your stare sinks into my bones

    Arms intertwined, yours with hers

    You gave me nothing

    but her, the world

    I'm drenched in acid rain,

    it burns up whats left of my heart

    If i'm not mistaken

    It was you who said we'd never be a part

  2. I have some quotes, but i do not have authors or links.  Ive just come across them here and there:

    *.. sometimes people who are ment for eachother

    are usually the last ones to realize it...*

    *...the only guy that deserves you is the one who thinks he doesnt...*

    *...Nothing beats the pain of knowing that your right for each other, just not right now...*

  3. "If there ever was a day when we can't be together,

    just keep me in your heart and I'll be there forever"

    ~ Winnie the Pooh

    "I loved him

    everything was fine

    She loved him too

    Yet everything was fine

    He loved her back

    everything was fine

    they were together

    everything was fine

    they broke apart

    yet he could never be mine"


    A Special World

    A special world for you and me

    A special bond one cannot see

    It wraps us up in its cocoon

    And holds us fiercely in its womb.

    Its fingers spread like fine spun gold

    Gently nestling us to the fold

    Like silken thread it holds us fast

    Bonds like this are meant to last.

    And though at times a thread may break

    A new one forms in its wake

    To bind us closer and keep us strong

    In a special world, where we belong.

    - Sheelagh Lennon -

    "If I could have just one wish,

    I would wish to wake up everyday

    to the sound of your breath on my neck,

    the warmth of your lips on my cheek,

    the touch of your fingers on my skin,

    and the feel of your heart beating with mine...

    Knowing that I could never find that feeling

    with anyone other than you."

    - Courtney Kuchta -

    "Love, like a river, will cut a new path

    whenever it meets an obstacle."

    - Crystal Middlemas -

    "Love is like a mustard seed;

    planted by God

    and watered by men"

    - Muda Saint Michael -

  4. Well, I have one from Romeo and Juliet that I know by heart (it's the one when Romeo finds Juliet dead in her tomb).

    "Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath yet no power upon thy beauty"

    (Basically, what he's saying is that she may be dead, but she'll always be beautiful")

    or you could just skim through the "Romeo and Juliet" book if you have one (or go to the library and they should have some book for "Romeo and Juliet") and find a different passage you like(Romeo and Juliet's about discreet love) I hope I helped! :)

  5. “Came but for friendship, and took away love.” - Thomas Moore

    “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” - Brandi Snyder

    “Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.” - Michael Leunig

    “When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain” - Mark Twain

    “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.” - Barbara De Angelis

    “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” - Judy Garland

    “Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.” - Swedish Proverb

  6. "One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall;

      A mighty love within my breast has grown,

        Unseen, unspoken, and of no one known;

          And of my sweet, who gave it, least of all."

          - Alexis Felix Arvers, "Sonnet" (translated from French by Joseph Knight in "The Athenoeum", Jan. 13, 1906)

  7. I always need something of a quote every now and then, I was told about a Co. that sells quotable stuff.

    its awesome of what they have

    good luck with your search  

  8. "The truth hearts... so we lie!"

    "A part of you has grown in me, so you see.. its me and u together forever, and never apart! maybe in distance but never in heart"

    "Love is when you tell a guy, you love his shirt! and he wears it every


           these are the only ones i can think of now!

           hope u like'm

  9. 'A person doesn't have to be perfect, to be exactly what you need'


  10. hey u can use some of my poems if u want

    and i kinda need help with them so do u think u can probably answer my question if u want that is hope i help u some :)

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