
Can I get some help from pot smokers?!

by  |  earlier

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Some of my friends smoke, and I've only done it twice, but I want to get into it, but I don't know how to ask to buy some, and I don't know anything really about it, like rolling, using a bowl, bong, or anything else. I also don't know any terminology about it really. Can you help me? Like, give me some basic info on how to smoke, what's good weed, and terminology and stuff?? I like smoking, but I don't hang out with the one person I ever smoked with anymore. Help?




  1. Ok, first of all before I say anything on that topic..just know that smoking pot is definetly bad. I dont recommend it to anyone...but it has yet to cause any deaths so heres the 411 on Smokin. First, when u go to buy some make sure you can trust that person not to give out any names, or tell anyone what your doing. And make sure you're getting some stuff from a realiable source. Second, when u by '****' it comes in bags usually about 10$ for a one. Then for two bags its 20$..and so on. Now for a first time smoker, your gonna want a bowl or bong..just because you might not know how to roll well. IF you can make some new friends that smoke..that would definelty help. You wann use a bic lighter, no fluid lighters because you're not suppose to inhale that flame. then when ur smoken, u inhale..hold it as long as u can..and blow it out. anything else, Im here. Pce!  

  2. lost when me you actually said "..but i want to get into it"

    i guess you didnt know that if you get caught you could be arrested.

    have fun though!

  3. wow how old are you good grief  

  4. who told you that was crack head its called the gateway drug and you can get adicted

  5. well i was into it for a longggg time. its really not worth it. my grades started slipping, and i almost got caught many times. but if you really want to take those risks i suppose i can help you out:

    okay so when your using a bowl you will see a little hole on the side. use one of your fingers to cover up the hole, then put the end in your mouth. while its still in your mouth light the bowl end (this should be stuffed with the weed)

    rolling is easy.. buy papers or cigars from a tobacco store.. i usually use cigars. you just make a clean cut all the way down the cigar and throw away all the tobacco in it. then i l**k one side of the paper and place the weed in it and simply roll it. it takes some skill, but you should catch on.

    bongs are the easiest.. you put water in it, stick your mouth in the hole, and suck like its a huge straw.

    so whenever your getting "lit" you always have to hold the smoke in a little.. its hard to explain...

    but as far as terms go my friends and i usually call it "toking"

    okay not much more i can say. have fun, and be wise. think about this before you do it. its addicting.

  6. this is such a dumb question.  Drugs are for losers who have nothing better to do than waste their life away.

  7. Get new friends.

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