Racial Question. LONG.?
Okay so I was answering somebody's question about wanting to mess up a KKK meeting. So I answered my piece and told them I hope that he would get his a** beat. Needless to say, this started a controversy in this board.
My question is, where do people get off on saying that the KKK is bad? I mean, yeah they're white and have a thing against blacks. But when the h**l was the last time anybody ever talked s*** about the Black Panthers?? They are the same thing as the KKK but black. I don't call myself a racist, but when I lived in Oklahoma, not a day went by where I didn't walk down the street to have some black person talk s*** or tell me they want to f***. When I was 8 1/2 months pregnant, at 2 completely different times, black people put mine and my unborn son's life at risk. So I'm skeptical about MOST minorities now. Why shouldn't I be? White people have never done this to me. White people respected me.
Why is it okay for blacks to call us white or cracker, but if we say black or ******, we get out a**** kicked or threatened. We get sent to court for discrimination and racial threats. Why the h**l can't people just let it go?? We are people. Not some animals. Whites too! I want respect! In Oklahoma, the blacks thought I was a h* because I was white and didn't have a car, so I walked to the nearest gas station to get my cigarettes. And when I was pregnant, they gawked at me like they'd never seen a white pregnant chick before, but if they saw a black one, they'd be all over them saying nice things. Why is it so hard that this country is so racist now? I'll be racist, if you do. I'm german. Does that make me a n**i? d**n right it will be in about time. This is the "white man's country" (look it up, it says that in all social studies and history books) and most black people say it's their country now. They say it's theirs now because we supposedly "slaved their ancestors" and they are regaining their property. Go shoot yourself in the foot. Seriously. That was centuries ago. People that live nowadays have no control over what happened then. We are different people now. Grow up and get a grip on reality. This post is not to be of racial argument. I just want everybody's self opinions on this matter.
Now with the illegals. Why is it okay now that the illegals from mexico can come here green card free, but anybody of european culture get ripped aside in airports to be carded and scanned? I heard this story once that a mexican immigrant crossed the border and was carrying loads of marijuana. The guards warned him twice to stop and he kept running. After the second warning, one of the guards shot him with the pellet gun and the immigrant went back to custody in mexico. He held a trial and the mexican president had ties in america and the guard who shot him got 20+ in prison. He was doing his job!! I'm tired of going to walmart seeing illegals with WIC and food stamps, but they use $100 bills in CASH to buy them video games and S****y clothes for their 8 year old daughters. I live in Idaho now and see this all of the time. They are taking our money, our taxes, our homes and our jobs. Unemployment in the northwest is the highest in the country right now. Nobody can support their children or afford their rent. There are kids living on the streets now. That is pretty sad. They come to our country and refuse to learn english and come into our stores and talk to people who don't know spanish and yell at them for not understanding. If you come to our country, that's fine. But pay your own way, not others. Learn our customs and traditions. Be one of the united. Not a minority who only wants to live here for benefits. h**l, go join the army. That's what I think they should do now with illegals. If you want to live here, you need to join. Work and support our country, not us work to support you.
Again, I'm not trying to sound racist. I'm just tired of minorities getting away with everything to leave the white person with nothing. Anybody can feel free to reply to this. I'd appreciate it if you do. I like getting other opinions on this matter. I'm not downgrading the innocents. Just the illegals who take everything from us and refuse to learn our language and customs, and the people who downgrade the whites.
Nobody is better than anybody else. Get over it. Have some common sense. Why can't things be like the 70's again? Let's all just sit in a circle singing Kumbaiya and smoke a few joints?? (Granted I'm kidding, but s***.)
1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.
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1 hour ago
Also, why do people have to keep giving me thumbs down and bad ratings for answers I know are legitimate and good advice? I'm tired of people saying in their comments that I'm wrong. If somebody asks a question on YA then it's them asking for an opinion or advice. Why is it that an opinion is a wrong answer now? Go read some of my feedback and answers. Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I give g