
Can I get some intelligent help, I'm arguing with a christian and can't get it out?

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Basically, she's saying that how can you deny earth is designed by god, by how it's the exact distance from the sun needed to support life, this is a really flawed argument but I can't get it out, there are billions and billions of planets that don't support life.




  1. tell her that there are billions and billions of planets..some how this planet called " earth"..happened to be in the right position..the position that allows chemical processes..and gives the chance for life to be created all by itself...and there must be some other planet in the same conditions in some other galaxy..considering that there are about 200 - 4oo billion galaxies..and they might not be ( the creatures)..any of high intelligence..

  2. so, you want to believe that it's a flawed argument but you can't think of how?

    okee dokee pal

    **maybe you should think for yourself**

  3. First off not all Christians share these views.  It's the close minded fools that can't open their eyes.  The bible is a series of stories, some take literal and others see as a learning tool.  It's the fanatics that you have to watch out for.  You're getting tied up into a battle that you won't win.  The person will not stand down under any circumstance.  You will never know whether or not there is a God or isn't until you die.  It isn't worth it.

  4. Just quit arguing.

  5. Ask her how come this exact distance is not mentioned in the bible. Neither is the fact that the earth is round and back when the scriptures where written, a lot of the world believed it was flat. Also ask her why calculus and Avogadro's number is not in the bible.

  6. First of all, the distance from the sun needed to support life is not exact. It just needs to be roughly in the position it is.

    The way the argument is flawed is that in order for the argument to exist there has to be someone saying it, and in order for that someone to exist, there has to be a planet capable of supporting life.

    If this planet had not been the right distance from the Sun, you would not be having that discussion on this planet, but either on another planet or not at all. Logically, given that the discussion exists, there has to be a planet like that, hence you cannot draw any conclusions from the mere existence of the planet. Regardless of how improbable it is, things could be in no other way, given that the discussion exists.

    Also, does she claim that the planets that are NOT the right distance from their stars to support life are NOT designed by a god? I think not. The argument has nothing to do with her beliefs, but is just a rhetorical trick designed to fool people into believing in gods.

  7. well the science of space and the beyond is relatively young. we barely get to send machines to mars and the universe is endless, or so it seems. its stretching right now as i type this. but the thing is that mars had life on it  when it was about the same distance from the sun as the earth is now a long time ago. there has been a couple of discoveries where fossilized bacteria and plants (i think) have been found. her view is flawed because just cause there isn't a scientific discovery of life in another planet YET does not mean we are the only ones also just cause u dont have an answer to a question u just can't sit there and assume god did it. like u said at one point people swear to god that the earth was flat look how that got trashed... also honey she will believe what she wants to believe regardless of what u say. why dont u ask her why does she think god exists... and it should be a better answer than 'look at the wonderful things god created' yeah while he called a bat a bird and a dolphin a fish... also there are horrible section of rape, murder and wars that her god promotes why dont u ask her about that as well.  

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