
Can I get some motherly advice?

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My boyfriend and I had unprotected s*x. He never came inside me and I really need to do what to do. Should I be worried about being pregnant and do you think I should tell my mom? Please help me.




  1. Yes, you could be pregnant. How old are you? And if you have a good relationship with your mom, she might be hurt, but If I was you I would tell her. If you have waited to long to get the moring after pill, then if you are preggers, you could be killing someone. I understand if you are to young to take care of a baby, but if you and your mother has a good relationship and talk about things, if you decide to have the baby she would probably help you. If you don't have a great realtionship with her, then I probably wouldn't tell her and get the morning after pill, if its not to far along. But if you are preggers, and it is to far along to get the pill, don't get an abortion, even if you can't keep the baby afterwards, there are plenty of people out there that would and can take care of your baby for you, that can't have children. I see to many people with children that don't care about them, that beat them, and just need to be fixed so they can't have anymore children, and then there are people who can't have kids, that cry everynight because they can't concieve. so before you have an abortion, give the child life, and then let someone else make it a great life for your child, but if you are to young, i understand. But your mom might have more respect for you to tell her, then for her to find out by someone else.

  2. hi there. you can get pregnant from precum( pre-ejaculatory fluid does contain sperm).

    that is how i got pregnant. if you want, go get the morning after pill. you have up to 72 hrs.

    i would wait awhile before telling your mum. you may not be pregnant. goodluck

  3. yes you can get pregnant, even if he "pulls out". i have a few friends that used that as their birth control method, and that is how they had their first babies. you can go to a planned parenthood for the morning after pill, and you can also talk to them about birth control. if you are this freaked out about maybe being pregnant, than you are obviously not ready for it. i would suggest not having s*x until you have some sort of protection, be it condoms, the pill, or something else. also, you should be using condoms anyways, anyone any age can get an STD. if you or your boyfriend can not afford them, than that is another reason you shouldn't be having and aren't ready for s*x, or the commitment that comes from it.  

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