
Can I get some opinons on these topics?

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1. I do not see anyone Ripping BLAKE for not waiving his no-trade clause for LA last year and then not resigning with them and going to team with a chance at the CUP?

2. I dont see people ripping SATAN for taking less money and a one year deal to play for a team that has a chance at a CUP?

3. I dont see people ripping CAMPBELL for not signing with SJ and going to a place where he will be in the mix for a CUP in a few years?

4. I dont see the PENS fans complaining about losing MALONE... when they could have signed him EASILY to a long term for 5mil a year and let Hossa walk.... instead they got neither?

5. I dont see people ripping Conklin for going to the WINGS at a discount and a chance at the CUP.. when he could have gotten over a 1MIL (based on other backups signing) to play and./or backup any other team?

OH.. but Hossa is an arrogant douche now? Hmmmmm The same Hossa you PENS fans loved so dearly up until Wed morning?




  1. 1. Yep he is sure going to a Cup Contending Team! He's ready to win another

    2. Nope you're right. He is one of the 'not as popular' free agents compared to a lot of others.

    3. Ha NIPS, I'm RIPPING HIM! LMAO!! But if we get Boyle I'll be ok with that.

    4. I've seen a few anrgy Pens fans on here about that.

    5. Nope thats because he's the backup. Though he is going to be a great goaltender one day. If Osgood goes 'south' because of age, they will have a VERY comfortable cushion to fall on.

    They only hate him for saying no to their team.

  2. If you look at any post about Malone, you saw me *complaining* about losing him.. I loved him. He was my favorite Penguin & my favorite Hockey player. But I understand why we couldn't keep him. We couldn't afford him anymore.

    I never liked Hossa. He's a good player, yeahyeah whatever.. Never liked him. He opened his mouth and made sure that Pens fans knew that he wanted to stay in Pittsburgh. If he was double thinking that so much, he should have just KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT.. he was offered a 5 year deal and instead he spat in our faces and took a one year deal. Even Ray Shero said that if it was a 1 year deal he wanted, Shero would have gadly given him that instead of a longterm deal.

    Satan, like a lot of players on the team - took a lot less than what they should have. i commend him for that.

    Conklin, awesome player. I wish we could have kept him, and i'm upset to see him go to the team that he went too. but whatever pays the bills, i guess.

  3. 1. That's because, a) the Kings were going to get a high pick anyways, and b) there will always be at the very least 50 Leafs fans for one Kings fan. That's why it seems that no one is ripping on Blake.

    I'm not sure about the rest.

  4. I look at Hossa's signing with Detroit for one year and $7.45 million as a slap in the face.

    Because Marian Hossa wants to win and he feels his best chance of winning the Stanley Cup is with the defending champion Red Wings.

    So he is basically saying the Penguins can't win the cup....

    Malone wanted too much money... he got overpaid by the Lightning.

    Conklin, good for him, he wanted to move on with his career,

    and he made the best choice by signing and now becoming a back-up goalie for one of the best's goalies around, Chris Osgood.

  5. Because the best (Wings) got even better. That kills all the people who predicted the downfall of the Wings once they had to deal with a cap. Hossa should be commended for putting winning above all else....what a gamble! Instead of taking the money he is willing to risk literally 10's of millions to do what every hockey player should strive to do...hoist the Cup! That isnt what a douche does.....that is what a dedicated wanting to win hockey player does (douches complain about guys or teams that find winning to be the single most important things).

    As for exact answers #1...I believe Blake did offer to waive if he could stay on the west coast, L.A. couldnt make a deal (shame on them, they could have at least gotten a decent draft pick, they need to add as many depth bodies as possible)

    #2 Satan was smart, imagine how nice it will be taking passes from Crosby or Malkin and actually going to the playoffs, he has played on some sorry teams and made his cash, now he wants to win too....good for him!

    #3 Being a Wings fan I am mad as h**l at Campbell, the Hawks were a pain in our a**es last year and now they are better....d**n him! (just kidding, great signing by the Hawks, I rank that deal as possibly the best long term signing in this free agent class).

    #4  Glad to see Shero made a good decision (a tough one for sure but the right one). Malone got silly money and the Pens need to keep the salary cap under control so they arent using stick boys on the 4th line....getting neither hurt pretty bad though, at least if you read all the hate from Pens fans in this forum.

    #5 I am shocked that Pens fans arent bitchin about this, did they forget how Conklin carried them when Fluery was hurt? Being a Wings fan I am thrilled (although it does bring into question whether or not Howard is the future). Great deal for the Wings...another brilliant under market signing for the best GM in hockey!

  6. 1.  He did waive his clause to go to either Anaheim or San Jose, nothing could be worked out at that time as Blake was looking for an extention as a condition of waiving it.

    2.  Satan took the best offer that came his way.  He had a couple of offers that were in the $2MM/season range

    3.  Unable to comment

    4.  I have faith that Mario and Ray know what they are doing

    5.  Conklin thinks that he can outplay Osgood and win the #1 spot.

    Hossa did what any smart player would do..........and Holland recognizing Hossa as the talent he is................paid him.  It is very interesting that the average position of Hossa's points ranking over the last 5 years is VERY similar to his salary ranking.  he's about as fairly paid as you can get!

  7. 1. & 2. When you got players like Marian Hossa turning down 81 million dollars from the Oilers and around 7 mil a year from the Pens... It is hard to complain about people getting paycuts. BTW, Fleury took a paycut for what he is worth to us.

    3. Uhh... because attention is focused on other Free Agents?

    4. Malone wanted payed more than he was worth. Also Hard to complain about somebody else that didn't sign with us when a guy like Hossa... again doesn't sign with us when we offered him good money.

    5. Good for Conklin, and good for OsGood. Seeing how Detroit could of easily gone after Miller. But this just means they want to stay with Osgood, which is a good idea.

    It happens, it happens in any sport. Just like Johnny Damon. He was Boo'ed by Yankee fans til he signed, cheered by Boston until he signed. And remember, Red Wings and Penguin fans aren't the best of buddies since we faced each other in the Stanley Cup.

  8. 1. i thought blake did not want to be anywhere but LA. guess not.

    2. youre right

    3. maybe cause he signed a long term with alot of money

    4.  they put all there eggs in one basket, and they lost

    5. he didnt play in the Finals?

  9. Why are you complaining about people not complaining?

  10. Like I haven't been stateing this ALL day...give me a break "Johnny come lately"

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