
Can I get some paranormal or normal help?

by  |  earlier

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My YA Email isn't working. It's my fault (don't watch baseball, drink brandy and play on your computer all at the same time!) I accidentally hit the spam button when I was reading a contact's message. It hasn't worked since. I tried disabling spam guard, I removed all blocked addresses and I reset my YA edit information. It still isn't working. Any ideas?




  1. Did you  already ask Yahoo Products..or another section in Yahoo? I can receive your emails..but I guess you're not getting any of mine. Has someone else tried to email you too? You might have me blocked. Ask somebody else to email you and see if it works. (Or do you think someone put a curse on it...since you're putting this in the Paranormal Section? lol) Weren't ME!!! lol

  2. If you open that e-mail up there should be a button that says unmark as spam, I just had to do that the other day

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