
Can I get someone towed at my apartment?

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There are currently few parking spots at my apartment complex. The complex is new and has not set up regulations about parking. There is a car parked in front of a garage that I am renting. It is blocking my access.

I live in Missouri. Does anyone know if I can get this guy towed?




  1. Call the cops and your landlord.

  2. Yes,

    if the car is blocking a garage that you're renting. Call the cops first.

  3. You should just call the cops and ask.  Bear in mind that the person might retaliate.

  4. Check with your local PD and zoning officials.  In my jurisdiction you can tow a car that does not belong to you under certain circumstances like it is on your property or blocking your obvious path from where you legally park to the roadway.   You have to pay for the tow and get paid back by the tow agency when the owner redeems their car.  But please check the local regs on that before you do it. Also, complain,stridently, to whoever is getting the rent money on the garage you cannot use.   Parking regs are somebodys responsibility there.  Be  a thorn  in that person side.  

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