
Can I get the 60 or 20GB PS3 in Gaithersburg MD?

by Guest64521  |  earlier

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Can I get the 60 or 20GB PS3 in Gaithersburg MD?




  1. No. They are discontinued. I have heard rumors about the 60gb still being in some stores but you have better luck winning the lottery. If you want one of this systems your best luck is ebay or craigslist.

    Your best option is picking up the MGS4 bundle though as it still has the backwards compatibility and also has the Dual Shock 3 controller as well. I have a 60gb and although I love it I really don't get why everyone loves it so much from the 80gb...

  2. One can "get" anything anywhere they want it with enough cash on hand. You do have an eBay account, I hope?

  3. gamestop

  4. you cant id get the msg4 pack

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