
Can I get the taste of cigarettes without the health risks?

by Guest64221  |  earlier

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I am not a smoker by any means, but I've had a few cigarettes and I love the taste of them.

Is there any way I can get this taste without all the risks of getting addicted to the nicotine and the damage the tobacco and tar in cigarettes can cause? Maybe a cigarette without nicotine or some type of safer cigarette? Any ideas would be appreciated!

Don't worry, if there isn't an alternative, I definitely won't start smoking. The taste isn't good enough to ruin my life over :P.




  1. There are nocotine free herbal cigarettes, but my guess is inhailing hot smoke no matter what kind isn't a good thing.

  2. smoking lobelia or Indian tobacco isn't harmful..matter of fact it can stop one from craving cigarettes...

  3. Hmm

      I wonder why you like the taste. Did your mother smoke when she was pregnant with you?

    There is such a thing as nicotine chewing gum I believe, perhaps this would do.

  4. So do you really believe that if you start smoking, that it will ruin your life?  I am also a non smoker.  I just never cared for the taste, or maybe I am just too lazy to carry a  pack around with me.  Man has been smoking for thousands of years, and we have only in the past 30 years or so, discovered that they are deadly.  Honestly the test has not been developed that can separate the cancer you get from cigarette from the cancer you get from car exhaust, lead paint, asbestos, and the many other chemicals that are daily being discovered to be dangerous.   The propaganda about how deadly cigarettes are is just that, propaganda and scare tactics.  If you like the taste of cigarettes then smoke them.  Don't let somebody else scare you into thinking they are gonna kill you.

    If cigarettes are so deadly, why are there so many people living to their 80's and 90's who smoke a pack a day or more?  Are these people super beings?  Do they have some amazing metabolism that others don't? I don't think so, they are just ordinary people.   George Burns lived to be 101 years old, and he smoked a cigar every day.  The bottom line is be a free thinking individual and don't let brainwashed puppets pressure you into going with the crowd.

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