
Can I get three more fish?

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I have a ten gallon tank total setup. I have 3 mollies and 2 baby guppies and was wondering if I could get 2 glofish and 1 pleco? If you don't think glofish(not goldfish) would other fish would you recommend?




  1. ANGELFISH CANNOT GO WITH GUPPIES, or go in a 10 GALLON TANK!!! They would kill the guppies and get stressed in that small of an environment. I also strongly suggest against getting glofish, and plecos are too big. (mine was 2 inches long when I got it, now itds 18 inches long!!!) Get a Chinese Hillstream Loach, or Butterfly Plecostomus instead. They eat algae but only get to be 4 inches long. The best fish you could get with your set-up would be 3 tetras and 1 butterfly pleco. But that itself is pushing it so don't get ANYMORE fish for that tank after that.

  2. if you have a 10 gallon tank, that means you can have 10 inches worth of fish. 20 gal, 20 in, 30 gal 30 inches ectct. if you have more than 10 inches worth of fish already you need to get a bigger tank beacause the fish will be crowded and they will not grow. They are more likely to attack or kill eachother this way. They need alot of territory each. I can only fit two fish in my 10 gallon tank. I think you should estimate the length of all of your fish together, and then judge if you should get any more. from what i hear, you may have too many fish.

  3. Ok, NO, not angelfish, they need a very tall large tank and ten gallons per angelfish. An angelfish would be so stressed in that small environment! Since glo fish are schoolers, get at least 3. And a pleco would not be a good idea, they get 2 feet and ned a 75+ gallon tank. A small shoal of 3+ otocincluses would do very well in there.

  4. no glofish need to school in groups of 6+

    and most plecos grow over a foot

  5. Be careful gold fish carry a lot of bacteria that kill other fish in the tank. Talk to your pet store to find out which fish go with which other fish. You should be fine with the size of the tank fish usually grow to the size of the tank so they just won't get very big.

  6. Yes, you can add a couple of glofish in your tank, but i would notrecommendd the pleco as they can grow to more than 8 inches and is not suitable for a 10 gallon tank, you might want to consider an otocinclus instead of the pleco.

  7. ummmm lets see......... angelfish!!!!! they are beautiful!!!!!!!!! oh and it would be perfect to get more fish really just dont get the chinease fighting fish (beta fish) unless u have another tank they will kill your fish!!!!!!! i love animals and i dont want that to happen!

  8. I think Some1 who loves BETTAS!!! said it all.


  9. i wouldnt recoment putting goldfishes with the other fishes cuz they are dirtier and may cause the other fishes to get sick. plus their water temps are slightly colder than the other fishes u have. i think you can add 3 more just as long as ur tank isnt crowded with decorations (decorations take up room too, so you have to make sure there's enough for all 8 fishies to have their territories and growing space, cause they will grow)  

  10. no you cant becuse mollies get pretty big 4 inches each so i guess you shoundent you could get like 2 neon teteras they are pretty small you grow up to be 3 cm pretty small but 50 % of them cary a Disease called neon tetra Disease sometime it makes other fish die well theres some info

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