
Can I get tips for driving in busy streets?

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I need help driving in busy streets. I'm a new driver and recently I accidently got stuck in an intersection by going even though I couldn't clear an intersection. Any tips to help me become a better drive?

Also, what do I do if I want to switch lanes but there's no room to switch lanes and nobody will give me space to go through?




  1. I agree with the guy above. Then number one thing to NOT do when switching is hesitate!! If there is enough room take it at that moment. Or when there is almost enough room stick your nose of your car there that way they have to let you in.. Trust me... No one will LET themselves hit you. Everyones natural reaction is to step on the brake so EF it! JUST GO!! lol  But obvioulsy know when the times are right. Good luck and just drive with the flow.  

  2. Busy streets aren't a great place for a new driver.

    I'm sure stay off those roads isn't a great option either though.

    Unfortunately you have to adapt a more aggressive driving style on a busy street.  Do avoid these streets as much as possible.  There aren't really a lot of reasons an inexperienced driver needs to be on a busy street.

    What do you do if there's no space to merge over but you've got to get over.  Turn on your turn signal and slowly and carefully start to muscle in between two cars that have a bigger gap between them.  They'll probably let you in, nobody wants to be in an accident.  That being said you should know where you're going well enough in advance that you don't need to muscle in--you should be in the lane you need to be in to make your turn blocks before the turn comes up.  If you absolutely can't get in remember 3 right turns is the same as a left.  3 right turns and a left turn is the same as a U turn.

    How not to get caught in an intersection--if there's a turn arrow, wait for the light.  If there's no turn arrow you can always go up until you find one but that's not always an option.  If there's no turn arrow and you've got to get there.  Proceed into the center of the intersection and wait for a gap.  Assuming these are busy streets you won't get one.  You'll have to wait until the light turns yellow.  Wait to be sure oncoming traffic is stopping then complete your turn.  Make sure you are far enough out that you won't get stuck in the intersection.  If you're far enough out you can't get caught in the middle once the light changes because you're already on the side of the street you want to go onto anyway.

    These are dangerous techniques even for an experienced driver.  These techniques will probably end up with you getting into an accident that is your fault so don't use them.  But, hey, you ask I answer.

    Plan ahead, plan extra time.

  3. Getting stuck in an intersection can happen easily, especially if you are following a big truck and can't see anything except the back of the truck.

    Switching lanes is a lot easier if the other people cooperate.  Some just signal and start to pull over.  Maybe you are quite timid (usually not a bad thing) and need to be more aggressive. Maybe you need to be more sure of the size of your vehicle. (They might think you have lots of room , but aren't going to wait it you don't want it.)

    Being aware of where everybody is at all times is probably the biggest thing.

  4. To get into a busy intersection, I pick a point 4 seconds of travel away from me.  (Takes 4 seconds for a car to go from my viewpoint of a light pole to me)  When there is a gap between that reference point I go (It generally takes 3 seconds to get moved and accelerating.

    Rude drivers not letting you change lanes...  Most of the time, they are not paying attention that you want to get over.  A trick I learned driving a tractor trailer in the Northeast (NY, Boston, DC, Baltimore, Hartford and all those other places in h**l) was to do a 'fake merge'.

    A fake merge is (if I want to merge right), I slowly and unoticablly move over to ride the dotted line on my left side for about 30 seconds.  Then in a time of 3 seconds switch over to ride the right dotted line, then get back in the middle of your lane.

    People see that in the corner of thier eye, and will either speed up or slow down to get away from you.  And it does work in a car too.  You will proably get 'the bird' but at least you got your lane.

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